Sunday 15 May 2011

Joseph Moxon's Map of Paradise

Paradise or the Garden of Eden
Date:  1695
Creator:  The Cartographer Joseph  Moxon
Description: This edition of Joseph Moxon’s map of ‘Paradise or the Garden of Eden with the Countries circumjacent inhabited by the Patriarchs’ was published in 1695 and sold by P Lea at "ye Atlas & Hercules in Cheapside". It was based on a Biblical map made in Amsterdam by Nicolaus Visscher.The Garden of Eden is shown on the banks of the Euphrates in an area now embraced by Iraq. The minute figures of Adam and Eve can be seen standing by the Tree of Knowledge. To the right, a rather energetic angel brandishing a sword chases them out of the lush Garden towards the arid mountains of what is now Iran. The Tower of Babel stands to the west of Eden, a symbol of more trouble to come.Joseph Moxon was a mathematician and a pioneer in the making of pocket-sized terrestrial globes. 
Format: 326 - 481 - Millimetres ;  Engraving, coloured

Copyright © British Library Board

And a close up of Babel and Eden;