Sunday 4 November 2012

An Examination into the Structure of the Cells of the Human Lungs

Although best know for botanical art Franz Bauer was also an excellent anatomical artist. 

Below is a figure from "An Examination into the Structure of the Cells of  the Human Lungs; with a View to Ascertain the Office They Perform in Respiration." by Everard Home and F. Bauer published in the Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond.  1827 117, 58-64. This paper and others with Bauer illustrations are available as PDF's from the Royal Society (HERE).

The figure caption reads:
Fig 1. represents 1/64th part of an inch of the external surface of the human lung, the cells of which are filled with quicksilver; magnified 20 diameters.

Fig. 2. a transverse section of 1/64th part of an inch of the human ling, in which the arteries are filled with red and the veins with yellow minute injection ; magnified 20 diameters.