Thursday, 29 May 2014

Rudolph Ruzicka

Hotel de Cluny

The Musee de Cluny is a museum of medieval art in Paris.

Recollections & Reflections - Yoshio Markino (1913)

Babar Maquette

The Morgan library also have a digital facsimile of a unique maquette created by Jean de Brunhoff in 1930/31 as a first draft of the first book in the Babar series: Histoire de Babar.  

The maquette (scale model or rough draft) is a small (20.5 x 15.5 cm) handmade booklet incorporating both text and illustrations.

 Image Copyright Morgan Library - HERE.

Rembrandt Etchings online

The Morgan Library in New York has just put its collection of 500 Rembrandt etchings online - HERE.

Below - one of the many self-portraits in the collection. 

Image Copyright The Morgan Library

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Rachel Carson is famed as the author of Silent Spring (1962) - a call to action about conservation and environment. 

Earlier though she had a career as a marine biologist with the US Bureaus of Fisheries. One of her technical monographs,Fish and Shellfish of the South Atlantic and Gulf Coasts (1944) is available here.

Original B&W image from Carson monograph

Monday, 26 May 2014

The Secret History of Hypertext

A great piece in the Atlantic on the Secret History of Hypertext HERE. It includes a good write up on someone I had never heard of before, the Belgian  Paul Otlet - the father of information science.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Everyone is totally just winging it

From Oliver Burkeman's blog in the Guardian today, a grand truth about human behaviour, dressed up in a semi-joking post:

Everyone is totally just winging it, all the time.

A Golden Plover - by Thomas Bewick from HERE

Monday, 19 May 2014

The Constructor - El Lissitzky

From Here.

Bioscience Illustrator

Illustration copyright Dr Maria Kuzma-Kuzniarska from HERE.

Compound Interest

Here is a blog offering a distinctively different view on chemistry.

Image Copyright Compound Interest

Monday, 12 May 2014

The Thinking Eye - Edward Tufte

The Thinking Eye - A Lecture by Edward Tufte 4th April 2013 Harvard University.

video platform video management video solutionsvideo player

See here as well

Friday, 9 May 2014

Home Life in Tokyo (1910)

 Copyright M.G. Reed 2014

Friday, 2 May 2014