Since June 2009, I have been posting short pieces to The original aim of the blog was to find a way for me to store the web links for interesting web pages and sites. But over time, the blog has grown to be a personal idea-hoard. It is a way for me to store interesting things outside of my own head. I can then go back to the complete collection of posts for inspiration and ideas.
I have only a few rules for my posts. Firstly, that I choose an image or illustration that I feel somehow fits the post. Secondly, that I don’t try and tag the post or categorise it in any way. It merely has to be of interest to me in the moment. And finally, that the post should include a link to an online source for further information.
The blog now has more than 1,400 individual posts. I no longer have an overview of the themes, or ideas, which are represented in those posts. When I search the blog, I am always surprised. I very often find multiple posts about a single search term, and almost always, I have no memory of why I created the post. As George Moore once said: "...I stumbled on the reflection that perhaps after all happiness is no more than a faculty for being surprised".