Thursday 28 July 2011

Rh Book Preface by James Watson

One of my great privileges was to get to know Ronnie Finn.

Professor Ronnie Finn FRCP (1930--2004)

Ronnie Finn received the Albert Lasker award (often known as the American Nobel prize in medicine) in 1980 for his contribution to the development of an effective treatment for Rhesus haemolytic disease. The resulting anti-Rh(D) injection, which is given to thousands of women worldwide every year, is estimated to have saved some half a million lives to date.

The book Rh; The Intimate History of a Disease and its Conquest by David R Zimmerman was published in 1973 it describes the history of this disease, first defined 40 years earlier and which is now preventable.

Here is the introduction to the book by James watson.